One of the most exciting things about university is graduating. Knowing that you’ve put in all the hard work and now you have finally reached the finish line. It feels good, but once the excitement fades away the reality of being unemployed sets in, the doom and gloom of truly having to start living is now your reality. There are a few things I wish I was told before my college experience came to an end. The first is that you don’t need to find a job immediately after graduating, there are other options like doing an internship and gaining more and more experience before you enter the working world. 

Life after college is not the end of the world, I know it might feel like it, but you are only getting started. I remember having one of my lectures tell my class that in order to be someone you have to learn for someone, and basically what she meant by that is if you want to become successful in your field one day you need to learn from those who have already made it in that field and quite frankly I have not to hear truer words. 

Since having written my final exam and submitting my last portfolio this is a sum up of the emotions I’ve felt and I’m pretty sure many of you have felt too. Overjoyed that I’ve made it, kind of sad that I’m not going to be seeing my friends anymore, overwhelmed by what life will throw at me but what I’ve tried to hold onto to throughout all these mixed emotions is the fact that I still have so much more to learn and that no one ever really stops learning which brought me great comfort.  The world can be a beautiful place if we look for the beauty in it and life after college is a whole new world for us to discover. So when you feel that overwhelming feeling take over again just remember that you are here to make a change and you have the tools to do so now, the only step left is to go out and use them.

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