Through The Struggle Rises Hope

Issue 13 Editors Letter by HOLR Editor-in-Chief Ksenia Edwards


It was challenging to write an editor’s letter trying to capture even a small part of what the world has been going through. While I could write a whole 192-page magazine trying to cover it, it still wouldn’t be enough. But it’s a start. We didn’t want issue 13 to only highlight the injustice in the world; we wanted it to offer a glimmer of hope. We often see division occurring online and in real life, but we want this issue to bring a sharper focus on how we can become more unified and help one another instead of hindering our growth. The content we consume can seep into our way of thinking, influence our conversations, and shape our perception. As a media outlet, it is our responsibility to offer the most honest and unbiased portrayal of what is happening globally to allow people the freedom to form an uninfluenced opinion.

While bringing inclusivity and diversity to the forefront of our content has always been key, there is still so much work to be done. My privilege as a white female inherently has me viewing the world through a different lens. No matter how hard I try to educate myself on the hardships of minorities and to be an ally, I have not lived those hardships and experiences.

So what can we do? For one, I think we all need to learn to listen. Too often, we’re presented with an opportunity to soak in others’ words, and instead, we think about the next thing we’re going to contribute to the conversation. But true enlightenment begins with listening. Ask questions. Take the time to do the work. Educate yourself on what is happening in the world. Look for resources. Reach out to people who can provide you with a better view of their realities, that may help you better understand the circumstances they live in.


Our cover star Alicia Keys perfectly captures the unity and hope we wanted issue 13 to represent. Through her words and her music, Keys is a celebrity figure that offers so much more than entertainment. Read the cover story on page 136. Check out the Black Lives Matter editorial on page 144, for a look at the front lines of the protests that took place this summer. To learn more about climate change and the true physical impacts, read our interview with Sea Legacy co-founder Cristina Mittermeier on page 170. Head to page 176 for a feature with Deepak Chopra to learn more about the transformative power of meditation.

It is not a burden to speak up and fight for what’s right but a privilege. If we’re lucky enough to be in a position to help others and to be a voice for those that cannot speak for themselves, it’s on us to be the catalyst that can begin to move the world in a more unified, positive, sustainable direction.

If you only take one thing away from this issue, I hope that it’s that your voice matters. You have the power to create the changes you wish to see in the world. So keep speaking up. Keep standing up for the causes that matter to you. The power of one is enough to make a difference. When you speak up, others who may not think their voice matters will speak up, which creates the collective. Politicians and corporations can not ignore the collective. So I implore all of you to keep fighting for what’s just and right. Change begins with one.

I would love to hear from you!

Follow Ksenia Edwards @k.tea.edwards

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