It can be intimidating to start a new year after having gone through one as difficult as 2020. It may feel natural to make New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe it’s tradition. Maybe you want to accomplish everything you didn’t have a chance to this past year. However, a year doesn’t have to be guided by productivity and specific goals. And 2021 absolutely does not need to be your catch-up year because 2020 didn’t go as planned. It is completely legitimate to take one day at a time and to simply do your best. That’s more than enough.

That said, if you don’t want to make resolutions this January but want to replace the void of not having goals guiding your upcoming year, you can use this basic list as an inspiration of things you can do for yourself as a form of self-care throughout the year.

  1. Sleep more. It doesn’t have to change up your entire routine. Maybe go to sleep an hour or a half hour before you usually do or let yourself sleep in. Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night and if you sleep less, try to catch up on that sleep! You’ll notice you’ll be able to focus for longer periods of time throughout your day.
  2. Eat three meals per day and include fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbs in your diet. Snack as needed! Also, make sure to hydrate! Your body will thank you.
  3. Whether you’re in school, working part-time or full-time – take breaks! For many of us around the world, a good part of 2021 might look a lot like 2020, so you’ll be spending countless hours staring at a screen which can be exhausting. 
  4. Exercise. Whether you have access to a gym, a dance studio, a green space orstuck at home, find a way to move your body! There are countless free yoga, pilates or dance classes online that can help guide you. And if you don’t know where to start, I recommend “Yoga with Adrienne” on YouTube! Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a yoga pro you should be able to follow!
  5. Do things you love. Try to practice at least one activity/do one thing per day that you love. Whether that be reading a book you’ve had on your shelf for a while, playing a virtual video game with your friends or taking the time to listen to a song or an album you love. Increasing your serotonin levels even by a little each day is super beneficial!
  6. Stay social. However 2021 ends up looking, stay connected to those you love. Don’t isolate yourself. Talking to folks you care about and feeling that support even if virtual is so important. You deserve it. And don’t forget that goes both ways!

While you can’t control 2021, you can look after yourself every day/ You absolutely don’t need specific resolutions to get through the upcoming months. You have gotten through 2020! Celebrate that. And make sure you sustain yourself throughout 2021 with self-care. 

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