Oh, city breaks, how we’ve missed you! With the world (and the UK) slowly, slowly coming out of lockdown, more people than ever are looking at their next trips that they’re going to book. One thing to note is that while the pandemic is still going on, you may want to keep your next trip a local one in the UK, and this is the perfect opportunity to book a trip to exciting London. London is one of the most vibrant cities in the world and there is never a reason NOT to visit! It doesn’t matter where you are in the UK, London is accessible for you. You can get there by air, road or rail, and if there is one truth about London, it’s that it’s hard to leave once you’ve visited before!

It doesn’t matter whether you are visiting for the day or you plan to take a few weeks to explore the city. You can still ditch the bags weighing you down at Radical Storage if you need to stop on your way somewhere else and you want to offload for the day. London offers everything from great food to wonderful sights, and no matter what you are looking for, London will have it! If you are still unsure about whether you should head to London, sit back and keep on reading. We’ve got six excellent reasons that you should consider London for your next trip – let’s look at why.

  • The Theatre. The West End is famous for its shows, and Theatreland is quite possibly the best reason to head to the city. You can see comedy shows, the ballet, the opera, a musical from a range of options to suit your tastes and you can even watch dramas on the stage. Dressing up in your best outfit and booking the best seats for your budget is just part of the whole experience. Live theatre is something else when you’re watching Broadway calibre shows with some of the best actors and singers out there. There is a huge range of performances to buy tickets for, and you really cannot miss out. No matter what gets you going, you’ll find something that suits.
  • The Shopping. London and shopping? Why, that’s like Paris and shopping, or New York and shopping. Whether you want to scope out Harrods or you want to head to the West End and Oxford Street, London is packed to the brim with epic brand names, various department stores in the City centre and some of the most boujis boutiques you’ll ever see! You can shop to suit your budget no matter what you are looking to buy. You can kit your bags out with outfits to really enhance your stay, too. Make sure that you head to the exciting markets and choose cute outfits that are sold by independent sellers.
  • The Sights. The Thames River isn’t just the river that runs through London. It’s a means of travel, a piece of history and it offers a ton of other canals that snake their way through the City. You can ride the River Taxis to get you from place to place, and you can marvel at the history of the River and how it came to be a part of the City. The canals connect to other areas, so the Little Venice canal can take you to London Zoo and Regent’s Park. The sights are there right by the river, with the London Eye, the London Dungeons and even Mi5!
  • The History. We just mentioned the history of the River, but the City itself is dripping in stories that go back for centuries. See the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London and visit Buckingham Palace. Stand in the place where people in history stood, such as Henry VIII in Hampton Court Palace, and take a walking tour to walk the steps of Jack the Ripper. The history will captivate and amaze you every single time.
  • The Events. London does live events better than most, with sporting events and concerts at Wembley and the O2 a must! There is no shortage of events, concerts, sports games and more in London, so book yourself some tickets and make sure that you make it a priority this time around!
  • The Skyline. Whether you are up there in the Shard or you take in the sky line from the London Eye, you will find a mish-mash of old and new buildings and sites. London breathes and stays living through the night, so if you take a look in the evening you’ll spot all the lights twinkling back at you, daring you to jump into discovering new things.

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