There are several occasions that come up where we have to express our love and appreciation for those we love the most. Picking out gifts for someone you love can be a little hard and somewhat frustrating. If you’ve known someone for years, you probably got them more than one gift over the years and are running out of ideas. Here are some practical present ideas that you can get for your loved one who’s into cigars.

Cigar Samples

For someone who values cigars, they would definitely want to try out new ones they have yet to get a hand at. A pack of cigars is a great way to taste new cigar variants without having to spend so much money. If they are adventurous smokers, you can try to find limited edition cigars or ones that are hard to find in your hometown. If they have a specific brand they like more, you should get them a sampler pack from one of their lines. Like most cigar smokers, they might enjoy cigarillos which are mini cigars, about the size of cigarettes but with a cigar taste.

Cigar Ashtray

A cigar ashtray would make a perfect present for a cigar lover. There is a difference between a cigar ashtray and a cigarette ashtray. Normally, a standard ashtray would be designed for cigarettes, with slots that can only fit cigarettes. A cigarette slot wouldn’t hold a cigar, only slots specified for cigars would. There are cigar ashtrays with slots that do fit cigars, so buy them an ashtray that is designed for cigars.


Cigars need to be kept in an ideal environment to keep their unique taste and odor. This is what humidors are for. Every cigar enthusiast values a good humidor, and might even have more than one. It doesn’t matter if your partner already has one, most of the time cigar lovers prefer to separate the different brands and flavours so that each cigar type keeps its uniqueness. There are many different types of humidors that you can get with different styles and materials. There are travel humidors that are perfect for gentlemen who often travel and would like to bring their cigars along but in style. If your partner fancies luxury items, a luxury humidor would make a wonderful present. There are also waterproof travel humidors and showcase humidors.


Another ideal present would be a lighter. For cigar smokers, they would prefer specified cigar lighters rather than the basic cigarette lighters. When it comes to cigar lovers, they normally prefer torch lighters because they have a more substantial flame that can light bulkier cigars. Another cigar lover’s favourite would be double flame lighters. You should choose a fancy lighter for your loved one, that would be perfect. Despite the fact that you are looking for a fancy lighter, you shouldn’t forget that functionality is important as well. A good-looking lighter doesn’t necessarily mean that it is a good functioning lighter. Be sure to choose something that is long-lasting and has a decent flame.

Cigar Cutter

Someone who fancies cigars can never have too many cigar cutters. Those tools have a functionality, but they are also an accessory to a cigar lover. Cigar cutters come in various styles, there are elegant polished ones, fancy-looking silver cutters, and simple but still good-looking stainless steel cutters. Your choice of what cutter to get them should be based on the style that your partner fancies. You can also choose based on your knowledge of the cutter styles they own and get them something unique and new.

Cigar Gift Set

A safe option that you can go with is a cigar gift set. If you’re not a cigar enthusiast yourself and are unaware of what’s what, you can always pick up a gift set. Those sets are attractively wrapped already and have featured top brands and popular selections. You can search for flavoured cigar gift sets, flavours like vanilla, cherry and mocha are more than perfect.

If your partner really values cigars, the previous items would make an amazing practical present for them. You can get any of the items personalized for your partner, with their names or initials. You can customize the items to their taste, for example, choose materials and tones they would prefer or styles that you think they might be into. You can also customize a gift set where you add their favorite brand line, favorite flavors, a new cutter, and maybe a humidor, and you can even customize the entire set based on the receiver’s personality.

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