Pop-In@Nordstrom partners with Levi’s® to celebrate the brand’s heritage, sustainability, and future-focused design with three super talented female designers. The collection launched exclusively at select Nordstrom stores and online (Nordstrom.ca/pop) on September 17th featuring collections from Collina Strada, Melody Ehsani and Thompson Street Studio.


We spoke with LA-based designer and entrepreneur Melody Ehsani on her vision for the collection. Melody is a creative force to be reckoned with and says that husband Michael Peter Balzary, aka Flea, the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ bassist, inspired a lot of the collection. Pop-In@Nordstrom x Levi’s® will be available from now until October 17th.

Jean Jacket from the Nordstrom x Levi Collection

What does this collaboration with Levi’s® mean to you?

It’s so cool! When I think of denim, I think Levi’s. Their story and heritage is inspiring, so being

being able to partner with them on these pieces is truly special.


What inspired the collection you created?

My husband, in case you couldn’t tell lol. I always remember those collages that teens would make of their heart throbs in the 90’s before the internet saturated our existence – and I thought I’d make one of mine now in this format.


The collection is said to inspire other creative women, what advice would you give to women in honing their own creativity?

Be true to it, allow it to be free and unhindered by anything or anyone.


Do you have any rituals for getting into a creative headspace?

I need to get off the hamster wheel of “work” and “business” and feel like I have time to be in a certain kind of free headspace. Spending time in nature usually helps me slow down and get there.


What is one of your favourite pieces in the collection that you created for Levi’s®?

I love the detachable hip purse that comes with the jeans.

blue jeans with faces on it for the nordstorm x levi collection

What’s your favourite pair of Levi’s®?

I love my Vintage 501s!


What is one of the most rewarding parts of the work that you do?

I wake up every day to do what I love.


Do you have any words of advice that you live by in your career and in your life?

Trust what you love.


Published on Holr Magazine

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