With vaccination numbers rising and case numbers declining, Ontario is planning to join the rest of the world by lifting the mask mandates. 

The mask mandate started on the tail end of 2020 and now 2 years later, the Ontario government is suggesting we “learn to live with it.”

This news comes just a week after lifting the vaccination passport requirement for indoor restaurants, gyms, and other places.

The mask mandate was sure to be next on the list of mandates to be lifted as Ontario has seen a decrease in case of numbers for COVID-19 and a very high vaccination rate including the booster.

Globe and Mail

After a very long two years of lockdowns, openings, closing, mandates, restrictions and a vaccine passport, the Ontario government has decided that it is time to start living again.

The mask mandate will be lifted for most places including schools, gyms, restaurants and retail, but not hospitals, long-term care homes and other high-risk places.

Ford government says “If you want to keep your mask on, keep it on. If you want to take it off, take it off.”

This mandate will lift on March 21st and others can be expected to announce sometime in April.

Article published by HOLR Magazine 

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