Anyone into a healthy lifestyle has heard about intermittent fasting and even adapted it to their daily routine. However, the spike of this so-called distinct lifestyle was in 2018, so why is it so popular to this day? Is it more than just a fad diet? A certified nutritionist, Head of Nutrition and Wellness at Kilo Health, Kristina Zalnieraite, agreed to share what is hiding behind such rapid and long-lasting popularity of intermittent fasting.

Women In Wellness: Christine Zalnieraite Of Kilo Health On The Five  Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People's Journey Towards Better  Wellbeing | by Authority Magazine | Authority Magazine | Medium

For those unfamiliar with intermittent fasting, it’s a way of balancing between eating and fasting times. Intermittent fasting is viewed mainly as an eating pattern rather than a diet because it does not prohibit certain foods but instead tells when to eat them.

There are variations of intermittent fasting plans such as alternate-day fasting, the 16:8 method, OMAD – one meal a day, and many more. There is a good choice for beginners and professionals. No surprise, it’s one of the reasons why IF is so popular to this day not only helping people lose weight but also providing other health benefits such as improved glycemic control, sensitivity to insulin, cellular repair, and more.

“You may start with the 12:12 intermittent fasting method when you consume food for 12 hours, and the rest 12 hours are for fasting. Simply have three meals per day every 4 hours. It’s an effortless technique to learn with extensive benefits not only to your physical but also to mental health,” says Zalnieraite, Head of Nutrition and Wellness at Kilo Health.

In 2019 Kristina and her team came up with an idea to develop an app called DoFasting which would help her clients keep on track with their intermittent fasting routine and ensure that all information is automatically captured on their smartphones. Since 2019, Kristina’s program has served 1921169 customers, who truly enjoyed the assistance of the application; this is proof that intermittent fasting will not fade away any time soon. Kristina Zalnieraite agreed to share her insights on why in her opinion, intermittent fasting is still loved by millions of practitioners.

DoFasting Ensures Intermittent Fasting for a Better Lifestyle | Seekers Time

It is easy to apply to day-to-day life
Unlike most other diets, intermittent fasting adjusts to individual lifestyles instead of dictating non-breakable rules for the practitioners. IF suits shift workers, travel lovers, professional athletes, and 9–5 workers. Fasting windows can be shaped and matched according to one’s lifestyle while still reaching the same significant results.

Scientifically approved, effective, and healthy weight loss

Diet must be taken seriously. Sadly, every day a new and unapproved diet appears on the horizon. Everything that is health-related should be taken with a grasp of salt, and double-checking will always be your advantage. Luckily, intermittent fasting is not some pop diet; it’s been around since ancient times and currently has a strong scientific background proving its effectiveness. While in the modern era, nutritionists and physicians have resurrected IF due to its benefits to the patients.

Slowdowns aging process and extends longevity

Intermittent fasting seems to confer health benefits to a greater extent than can be attributed to a reduced caloric intake only. The short-term practice of intermittent fasting will reduce jeans size, while long-term practice will ensure a higher life expectancy.

Intermittent fasting does not require extensive help from a nutritionist 

Since intermittent fasting has been around for ages, the research base for intermittent fasting practices is full of information conveyed on the DoFasting application. There is nothing much to add or take away, so real-life appointments with nutritionists are minimal, which means that time and funds are saved.

Reduces insulin resistance and lowers the risk for type 2 diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most worrying medical conditions in the US: 96 million people aged 18 years or older have prediabetes which is 38% of the adult US population. While it is clinically proven that intermittent fasting effectively improves glycemic control and reduces insulin resistance. All individuals should be aware of these worrying statistics, and prevention should be the number one solution. 

To add, Kristina Zalnieraite said, “I truly hope that the benefits of intermittent fasting are already known for the majority of the population, and for those who hear about it for the first time, I hope you try it out in order to pursue a healthier lifestyle.”

Published by HOLR Magazine

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