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Have you decided on a few realistic New Year’s resolutions for 2023? If not, then now is the time to discard all the unattainable goals from the list and settle on one or two aims for the upcoming year. For most, the decision is a lifestyle move, which makes perfect sense. Of course, there are always special cases and unique situations, but the grand majority of adults resolve to live simpler, more focused, generally improved versions of their current lives.

Like trends in apparel, food, film, and every other category of human activity, there are popular resolutions that reappear on people’s lists with high frequency. Cleaning up the house usually lands in the top ten on a regular basis. The same is true for getting personal finances in shape, downsizing, boosting physical fitness, buying life insurance, cutting down on everyday stress, and taking more time to enjoy reading. Check out the following options and see if one or more could find a place on your personal 2023 list.

Remove Household Clutter

Eliminating junk and clutter is a dream for most homeowners and apartment denizens, mainly because less stuff means a cleaner looking living space. What’s the smartest way to banish all those unwanted items, like old books, piles of clothes, unused appliances, crammed file cabinets, and ancient sports equipment? If you really no longer need it in your life, there are three ways to go: sell, donate, or dispose of. Make three giant piles for all the things you decide to get rid of. Remember to get a receipt for donated goods. Use a free-to-post website to put up photos of for-sale items.

Cut Monthly Bills

One of the top all-time goals for families and working people is to reduce their monthly living expenses. Fortunately, there are great ways to get the job done. Anyone who is carrying education debt on their personal balance sheet can refinance their school loans. What are the benefits? First, a refi means the borrower gets a fresh, single obligation that has just one due date. It also usually comes with lower monthly payments, which is the main attraction for folks who opt for refinancing. When you explore options like Earnest student loan refinancing, it’s possible to end up with a lower payment, better rates, more time to pay, and an all-around healthier financial situation.


Can you get by with less living space? Maybe you’ll discover that it’s a possibility after removing clutter, as described above. If so, start exploring smaller homes, condos, townhouses, and manufactured houses. Downsizing can also involve doing something as simple as trading in an SUV for a compact car, so check out all your options before jumping into the real estate market and listing your house. But, for the majority of consumers who downsize, the result is a much lower cost of living and a more efficient lifestyle.

Do Something for Your Health

Always speak with your doctor before making significant health decisions. Each January, many decide to get their annual medical checkups and take positive action to improve their physical state. What do they do? The most common moves include quitting the tobacco habit, getting enough sleep at night, exercising in moderation, cutting down on alcohol consumption, and basically doing whatever the doctor recommends.

Deal with Life Insurance

Adults who understand the concept of smart money management and long-term financial security buy life insurance. Even if you already have a policy, do an insurance checkup with a licensed agent to make sure the amount and price are what they should be. If you’re young, it’s possible to get very low-priced coverage that can last a lifetime. Find out about the different kinds of policies, the pros and cons of each, and how much insurance you need based on income, age, family status, etc. Try to work with an agent who has several years of experience. Ask a friend for recommendations to locate a professional you can trust.

Design a Reading List

No matter your age, reading can make life richer and more rewarding. Take the time to construct a list of books you want to delve into during the next 12 months. Try to find between five and ten titles in categories that interest you. Consider purchasing at least one hardcopy volume to get a chance at non-computer leisure time. Reading is a fun, educational way to banish stress for working people who like to just sit back and spend an hour or more absorbing information about whatever they desire. Don’t turn your reading list into a race. The point is to enjoy, relax, and maybe even learn a few new things.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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