As Blackout Tuesday sweeps social media this morning, it’s important for us all to take it one step further than just posting a black square on our grids as a show of solidarity. In order to become an ally in the Black Lives Matter movement we need to educate ourselves to gain a deeper understanding of the unjust issues and systemic racism that the BIPOC community has had to endure.

Gaining knowledge may feel like a small step but it’s one that we can all take today and continue to take for the rest of our lives. Without widespread understanding and knowledge, change will never be possible. Here is a list of articles, videos and places that you can donate to more actively participate in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Articles you can read

Shows, Documentaries and Ted Talks you can watch

When They See Us – Netflix

13th – Netflix

I Am Not Your Negro – Documentary Amazon

Dear White People – Netflix

The Hate U Give -Hulu

What happens when I try to talk race with white people – YouTube

White People, Enough: A Look at Power and Control | Jaelyn Coates | TEDxCSU

Let’s get to the root of racial injustice | Megan Ming Francis | TEDxRainier

Not all Superheros wear capes-how you have the power to change the world | Nova Reid | TEDxFrankfurt

Places to Donate

Minnesota Freedom Fund

George Floyd Memorial Fund

I Run With Maud

Black Visions Collective

Reclaim the Block

Campaign Zero

Communities United Against Police Brutality

Black Lives Matter

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

American Civil Liberties Union


Justice for George Floyd on

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