Living a better life does not stop at a certain age, from when you are born your body is learning and adapting to its lifestyle.

Jevitty Life Science
Many people have come to know that living a healthy and active lifestyle helps your body withstand the pressures of growing old, and as a result with a healthy and active lifestyle old doesn’t even count.
The founders and creators at Jevitty Life Science want to show you how to live a better life, they don’t want you to give up at a certain age, they want you to keep performing, keep thriving and outlive your life expectancy by years.
Founder and CEO Jerry Kroll knew from a young age that he was connected to nature and has a strong connection with the human spirit. Not only creating Jevitty; Jerry has also created Electra Meccanica Vehicles Corp, where he has taken the learning and understanding of tech and used it to create Jevitty.
Born and raised in Vancouver, Jerry loved the outdoors and loved being active. At the age of 62, Jerry will be on his way to running over 40 marathons including 6 Boston marathons, one of the most prestigious events in the world.
The Boston marathon is an inspiration to Jerry and many people alike, each year there are over 300 runners who are over the age of 70 and who put up numbers as if they were in their 20s. This is something so inspirational, yet many people have been bred to think that at a certain age you just start to ‘get old’ and essentially give up.
With these impressive numbers from the Boston marathon, it should be inspiring for people at any age to want to be able to achieve performances like these 300+ runners, with the help of Jerry’s company you can.

Jevitty Life Science
Jevitty Life Science App:
A new way of looking at how to live. No matter your age, you should always wonder how you can improve yourself, and find ways to create an optimal balance of body and mind.
Life is all about time and quality, so what if we stop living like “life is too short” and start living where life can be great, and amazing for as long as possible. With Jevitty, you can use the algorithm to find your life expectancy based on data, like body composition, lifestyle and environment. You can elevate your life with the help of Jevitty, you can live longer, healthier and happier knowing that you are taking care of your body and building a strong foundation for long life.
Many may question why they would want to use an app, and how this app is different from all the other apps. With Jevitty, it isn’t just about diet and fitness, it is about an overall conscious lifestyle. With the latest tools and technology you can control your life expectancy, you can choose what to do and how to do it, and with this, the future is all about living longer, it is just about how you plan to do it.
Article published by HOLR Magazine