Big brand names such as Tesla, Nissan and Volkswagen are all rocking the boat in the motor industry. With cutting-edge technology combined with eco-friendly engines, it’s no wonder that these giants are leading the way to an emission-free future.
Whether you have your heart set on a hybrid, or a classic internal combustion engine motor, is it worth investing in a pure Electric Vehicle (EV)?
Here we’ve gathered 6 reasons why you should switch to an electric car so that you can decide for yourself:
Better for the environment
Back in September 2021, the UN issued a “red alert” in light of the climate crisis sweeping the globe. While many governments are rising up to the challenge of reducing emissions to minimise the human impact on the environment, there’s a lot more work to be done.
In answer to the growing concerns over climate change, Boris Johnson announced his “ten-point” plan to combat emissions with a “net-zero” policy. Out of this pledge, many green initiatives were announced, and the 2030 ban of all new petrol and diesel vehicles was put in place.
With growing pressure to reduce the amount of CO2 and NOx levels in our cities, the UK has seen a surge in Electric Vehicle sales over the last five years. Although there is still concern over the EV infrastructure throughout Britain, £1.2bn has been pledged to increase charge points throughout the country.
Tax incentives & government grants
With the race for zero emissions in full swing, there are plenty of incentives to encourage you to get behind the wheel of one. The most poignant of these is the £2,500 Plug-in grant on offer from the government. While the grant is only available for EVs up to the value of £35,000, it does soften the financial blow.
Partnered with a car finance package, you can get your hands on a bestselling EV, while keeping costs down low. Even if you have struggled to get accepted for a loan before, there are plenty of reputable “bad credit” car finance specialists online that will help you get on the EV ladder. One of the leading ones in the UK is Carvine.
Away from the purchase of an EV, zero-emission vehicles that cost less than £40,000 are entirely exempt from paying road tax. Any car over that price will incur a £340 annual tax bill during the first five years of ownership. After that period, the owner will also become exempt.
For business users, you can pay zero Benefit in Kind (BIK) company car tax on pure electric models as well as taking advantage of the Plug-in grant.
Avoid emissions charges
Anyone who has recently driven through London will be well aware of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) operating throughout the city. Launched in April 2019, the capital became home to this world-leading scheme that has transformed the dangerously polluted skies to clean air spaces.
Charges start at £12.50 a day, midnight to midnight, seven days a week, all year round except Christmas Day for anyone entering the zone with a vehicle that isn’t ULEZ compatible.
After the massive success of ULEZ, other cities across the nation, including Bath and Birmingham, have adopted Clean Air Zones (CAZ) to combat rising emissions in the area. While you’ll face lower daily charges than the capital, the cost of driving has undeniably gone up in the face of climate change.
Low running costs
One of the most significant selling points for owning an EV is the lower day to day running costs compared to petrol and diesel models. Typically, you can charge your EV overnight where electric prices are at their lowest in preparation for the next day if you opt to install a dedicated home charging point.
On average, fully charging your EV with a 40kW battery will cost you £4.80. To paint a clearer picture: 200 miles = 3p per mile.
So rather than filling up an expensive tank, you can expect to pay a few pounds to fill a car with the same range of mileage. While you need to consider how, when and where you’ll charge your EV, you’ll soon notice the difference in fuel expenses!
Range anxiety is a thing of the past
Range anxiety has caused quite the stir within the motor industry. With motorists concerned over battery life and overall mileage featuring in most topical discussions concerning EVs, the term simply cannot be ignored.
While range has been an issue over the last few years, EV tech has seen impressive advancements in recent months that puts the older models to shame. Currently, the Nissan LEAF e+ provides up to 239 miles on one single charge. Whereas the Tesla S will comfortably take you over 405 miles without any stops along the way.
Powering up your EV battery is not unlike stopping off at the petrol station to refuel. However, the key difference is that you can “refuel” your car overnight from the comfort of your home and never have to step foot on a forecourt ever again. Before making any long journey, it’s worth taking note of any charge points en route.
Smooth driving experience
If you’re looking for a smooth, comfortable ride, then look no further. Designed to withstand the dips and turns of your typical road to support the weighty batteries at its heart, you’ll experience minimal noise and maximum comfort. Due to the position of the batteries, you can expect a more spacious passenger compartment and maximum legroom to boot.
The only thing you’ll hear above the faint whirr of the electric motor is the sound of tyres, wind and general road noise as you make your way around town.
EVs produce such little sound that most manufacturers have added sound generators to ensure pedestrians and other road users can hear you coming.
So there you have it. 6 reasons why you should switch to an electric car. From low running costs to one of the smoothest rides money can buy, there’s a lot to get excited about. Which EV model will you choose?
Published on Holr Magazine