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It is normal to worry about your health as you get older, particularly in cases where you might have a family history or pre-existing issues. With most health issues, early and effective diagnosis is crucial to ensure you have the best possible outlook and care. Of course, you should also be cautious about getting over-tested and listen to your doctor’s advice on any symptoms you might have.  

If you are concerned about whether you have a serious health condition, the first step should always be to visit your doctor. Avoid diagnosing yourself using the internet, as this is rarely helpful. The internet can be a great tool to learn more about different conditions, but you should only ever seek a diagnosis from a healthcare professional.  

High Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure can be dangerous if left unmanaged, but with treatment and lifestyle changes, it can often be reversed. A high blood pressure test is simple and non-invasive, using a blood pressure monitor to determine how forcefully your blood is pumped around your body and the pressure exerted on your artery walls.  

High blood pressure often doesn’t have obvious signs or symptoms, which is why blood pressure testing is a routine option for many patients as they get older. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, it is a good idea to get tested regularly so that you can catch the issue early enough to manage it effectively.  


Cholesterol is a normal substance found in the body, but it can cause issues if you’re producing too much due to diet or lifestyle. Cholesterol levels are measured using a simple blood test, which can be either a finger prick test or a venous sample test. 

Your doctor will normally carry out this test, and it is a good idea to be tested regularly if you have a family history of high cholesterol. Normally cholesterol can be managed by diet and lifestyle changes, such as eating more fresh, whole foods, cutting out smoking and saturated fats and moderating your alcohol intake.  

Type 2 Diabetes 

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition, often caused by obesity and age. It occurs when the sugar we ingest remains in the blood rather than being converted into energy. As a result, common symptoms include fatigue, weight loss and slow healing. 

If your doctor thinks you might have type 2 diabetes, they will normally check your urine and blood to determine your blood sugar levels. Often type 2 diabetes can be treated effectively by adjusting your lifestyle and, in some cases, taking medications.  


Cancer is a leading cause of death in the US and one that can cause patients significant anxiety. If you’re worried that your symptoms could be cancer-related, then consulting with your doctor is crucial. It may help to make a list of the symptoms you’re experiencing and how regularly they occur. If your doctor thinks that cancer or another serious health condition is the cause of your symptoms, they will often refer you for further testing.  

Depending on your symptoms, this could be something like a biopsy of a suspicious lump or mole or imaging tests like a CT scan or MRI. It is important to understand the accuracy of a CT scan when getting tested for serious conditions like cancer and discuss with your doctor whether this is the right test for you. You can learn more about various testing types from the experts over at Ezra.  

Liver Disease 

Liver disease refers to various issues that can affect the liver. It can be caused or exacerbated by a range of lifestyle factors, such as alcohol intake and obesity. If you’re concerned you might have or are at risk of liver disease, you should discuss this possibility with your doctor. They will be able to arrange a simple blood test that can give an accurate picture of your liver function. 

Testing is crucial for liver disease, as symptoms are often not noticeable even when serious damage has occurred to the liver.  


Osteoporosis is a common condition that impacts people as they get older. The most common symptoms are weakened bones that are more prone to fracture. It can often develop over time and may not be diagnosed until a break occurs because of a minor fall. 

If you or your doctor think you might have osteoporosis, they may diagnose you using a bone mineral density (BMD) test. This can help determine how at-risk you are of fractures, helping you manage your lifestyle and risk factors effectively.  

Mental Health 

Mental health issues are common in patients of all ages, but many people still find it difficult to ask for help when they need it. If left untreated, poor mental health can worsen over time, so it is important to feel comfortable and confident getting the help you need. 

The best first step is to visit your family doctor to discuss how you’re feeling. They will be able to talk through the concerns you have and can then either prescribe you medication to help or refer you to a specialist for more in-depth care. Often, talking therapies are also recommended for people with mental health concerns.  


Blurred photo of woman suffering from vertigo or dizziness or other health problem of brain or inner ear. Woman suffering from vertigo or dizziness or other health problem of brain or inner ear. Stroke stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

A stroke is a medical emergency that needs to be treated and diagnosed as quickly as possible. If you think you might be having a stroke, you should dial 911 immediately. Symptoms of a stroke include: 

  • Drooping on one side of the face 
  • Slurred speech 
  • Weakness in one or both arms 

If your urgent care physician thinks you’re having a stroke, they will normally monitor your blood pressure and pulse to determine the cause. They will also take images of your brain to determine the best course of treatment.  

Final Thoughts 

No matter your symptoms or health concerns, there is normally a simple and effective test that can help you get answers. You’ll need to talk to a healthcare professional and be open and honest about all of your symptoms. Even with more sensitive issues, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about – doctors have seen it all. In many cases, even with symptoms of a more serious condition, you might find that you’re in the clear or just need to make a few simple lifestyle changes to help you live a full, happy, and healthy life. 

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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