HOLR breaks down the latest news regarding the 1992 murder of 7-year-old, Nikki Allan.

As mentioned in this article, a man named David Boud is currently on trial for killing then seven-year-old Nikki Allan back in 1992.  Allan was reportedly lured to an abandoned building located near her home in Sunderland by Boyd. Once there, Boyd stabbed her and beat her with a brick.

Thanks to new scientific breakthroughs and forensic evidence, experts were able to determine that Boyd’s DNA was found on Allan’s clothing. The article goes on to say that “DNA found on Nikki’s cycling shorts and T-shirt was a one-in-28,000 match to Boyd.”
Boyd was reportedly the last person to see Nikki alive and he babysat Nikki previously. As mentioned here, Allan supposedly “skipped to her death” meaning that the killer who lured her away must have been someone that she trusted.

George Heron Nikki Allan

According to this article, Heron previously stood trial and was an innocent man who was initially tried for the murder of Allan. Heron was ultimately found not guilty in 1993, and the murder was unsolved- until now.

Boyd is now currently on trial for the death of Allan, even though he denies his involvement.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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