With the combination of wind, humidity and heat, we can blame some of our most dreadful hair days on summer weather.  Sure, there are worse things in life, but let’s face it, unruly strands can break our moods; whether it be the inevitable frizzies, dry hair, or simply not having the chance to wash our hair.  But, before you reach for your go-to hat (guilty!), we’ve got you covered with an additional hair accessory that has the power to solve your beauty emergencies — headscarves. 

Asap Rocky Via NME

cover photo via The Fashion Spot 

There are endless ways to wear this trend, and the best part is that the majority of headscarf styles require very little effort — making it a great option on hectic days.  They also are available in a variety of fabrics, patterns, and colors! Read on for 6 creative headscarf styles that are no-fuss, but totally stylish. 


All tied up 

On hot summer days, when you want nothing more than to get the hair off your neck, a top knot is your best friend.  But, it could really use an update! After wrapping your hair into a bun and securing it in place, tie your scarf around it for a more sophisticated look No sweat (literally). 


Knots & bows 

If you want to capture the playful and retro style that has become all the rage on the runways, then tie your scarf into a large bow or knot on the front, top section of your head and get ready to strut!   


The Braid

Take the braid to the next level by weaving a scarf into it! Either tie your headscarf around the top of the braid, weave it through, or use it to secure the end of the braid by creating a bow. 


Do the twist

To get the twisted headscarf look, wrap your scarf around your head and twist the two ends around each other at the top of the head, and then wrap them back around your head.  Secure it in place at the nape of your neck It’s that easy!

Kendall Jenner, Google Images

The criss-cross

Channel your inner ‘50s starlet by draping your scarf over your head so you are still able to see a few inches of the part line.  Finish it off with a simple criss-cross in the front and then secure it with a knot under the chin. How glam! 


Go Boho

Choose a long printed headscarf to wear in your hair for the ultimate bohemian hairstyle! All you need to do is arrange the trailing ends so that they fall loosely on the side or straight down your back. 


The headscarf will surely be a life-saver during this summer’s heat —   Which way will you rock it? 


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