The NextGen Artists Awards is changing the art world dynamics by hosting a virtual competition for artists across the world between the age of 6 to 29 years. The registrations have begun and the deadline for submitting your artwork is up to 15 December 2020.

The competition will be held bi-annually and blindly judged by industry art experts. Artists can submit art in the form of digital, drawing, painting, mixed media, etc. The team believes in encouraging the next generation to create instead of tying them down with competition stress. All participants will receive recognition for their artwork. The submissions will be categorised as Artisan Awards, Apprentice Awards, Novice Awards. The top 3 winners win a cash prize worth $2000, media coverage, a chance to be a junior juror, and much more.

The NextGen Foundation has built a network of advisors across the globe, consisting of professional artists to nurture the next-gen of artists, to provide career guidance, mentorship and support to strengthen and grow the art community. The team along with the advisors are on a mission to inspire talented kids and youth.

The Awards are organized by the ‘The NextGen Artists Foundation’, a non-profit organization that aims to provide access and opportunity to the youth to grow and develop their artistic talents. They have also partnered with Make a Wish foundation to help them raise funds as a gesture of giving back to society.

Be discovered, be rewarded, and be recognised for the creative side in you. Visit to participate and for further information.

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