Article inspired by Travel and Leisure 

As you prepare yourself for summer or post-COVID-19 travels, regardless of how you’re travelling, here are some carry-on essentials to keep on your radar!

  1. This seems like an obvious one but your phone, and any other electronic devices that you regularly use and need (laptop, iPad, Kindle, etc). Bringing a portable charger and a travel adapter is also essential to keep your devices charged. 
  2. Whether you use AirPods, noise-cancelling headphones or earbuds, make sure you can listen to music, podcasts or watch Netflix without worrying about bothering others.
  3. Keep your passport safe in a passport cover if you’re travelling outside the country.
  4. If you’re travelling outside the country, bring face masks, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, your negative COVID test and your proof of vaccination with you. 
  5. Pack yourself some snacks and never go hungry! Whether that’s Cliff Bars, trail mix, fruits, or peanut butter sandwiches, staying munching can give you all the energy that you need!
  6. Bring a reusable water bottle, keep filling it up and never go thirsty! 
  7. Especially when flying, driving or taking a train over to your destination, having a travel pillow (either an infinity pillow or a u-shaped pillow), can keep you comfortable and keep you from waking up with a kink in your neck or your head on a stranger’s shoulder.
  8. Having an eye mask while you’re trying to sleep, especially as you’re undergoing a time change and it’s bright out, can be super helpful. It can also provide you with the privacy you need to sleep in public. Having earplugs to block out the sound while you’re falling asleep and a blanket can also be very handy!
  9. Regardless of how long you’re gone for, a toiletry pouch with a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, face cleanser, moisturizer, lip balm, your medication and vitamins, (and pads and tampons for women) is essential. 
  10. Have a change of clothes, underwear, socks, a sweater, a pair of running shoes with you. You never know when your suitcase might get lost, a flight might get delayed, you might end up doing a lot of walking… or spend the night somewhere you hadn’t planned to! 
  11.  Bring a raincoat, an umbrella and sunscreen! You never know when the weather might change!
  12. Having a notebook and a pen can be so helpful. Whether you like to doodle or journal or you just need a hard surface to write something on – these can be so useful. 
  13. Having fiction and/or non-fiction books with you is never a bad idea. Whether you use them to keep your kids or seat neighbours entertained or you’re an avid reader yourself, books are rarely a waste of space. Of course, book lovers everywhere know they should limit themselves and not bring their entire library with them.

Once you’ve finished packing everything you need, make sure you look up the weather forecast, and any travel or border restrictions. If there’s nothing holding you back from setting off to your destination, have a lovely trip and stay safe!

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