Let’s face it… We all LOVE eating junk food. Whether you enjoy snacking on a bag of Doritos or sipping an ice-cold Coca-Cola, we all have our favourite junk foods. However, with the rising concern of ‘eating clean’ and maintaining one’s health, these much-desired junk foods don’t seem to have a place in our diet. Though, this doesn’t have to have to be the case! Nowadays, we can have our cake, and eat it too, by replacing some of your favourite snacks with these 5 healthy alternatives.

Zevia ‘Cola’ instead of Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is a well-loved soda, and for a good reason too! With its delicious flavouring, it’s no surprise to learn that it’s the most popular soft drink in the world! 

Zevia has introduced a healthy alternative to Coca-Cola, which has the same delicious taste, while also being free from sugar, calories and artificial flavours. Zevia also sells other flavours such as ginger ale, cream soda and more! 

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Smart Sweets instead of Gummy Candies

From being a kid into adulthood, gummy candies never get old. Nothing compares to the sweet (or sour) chewy treats. Regular gummies are full of sugar and artificial sweeteners, while Smart Sweets’ candies only have 3g of sugar per bag, are naturally flavoured and are also full of fibre! 

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Nutiva’s Hazelnut Spread instead of Nutella

Nutella’s sweet, nutty, chocolate creaminess is hard to resist. Though, now it’s a lot easier, with the invention of Nutiva’s hazelnut spread. Nutiva is similar to Nutella in that they are both chocolate-hazelnut spreads. Unlike Nutella, Nutiva’s spread is organic, non-GMO and vegan. Nutiva’s spread also has 22g less sugar per 100g than Nutella! One thing to note — Nutiva’s spread has a much richer taste than Nutella, but if you’re okay with that, it’s a great alternative! 

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Lily’s Milk Chocolate Style Peanut Butter Cups instead of Reese’s 

Reese’s peanut butter cups are a delicious treat but are also unfortunately full of added sugar — 47g per 100g to be exact! Lily’s Milk Chocolate Style Peanut Butter Cups can provide you with the same delicious taste as Reeses’, while also only having 2g of sugar per package! 

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Que Pasa Nacho Tortilla Chips instead of Dorito’s 

Doritos are a delicious snack for chips and cheese lovers! However, they are full of trans fat and genetically modified ingredients. Que Pasa Nacho Tortilla Chips are a healthier alternative! These chips are made from organic ingredients and are also vegan! 

Buy here!

With these junk food ‘dupes’, and many more ‘dupes’ out there, eating foods you enjoy doesn’t have to be bad for you!


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