A year ago Canada was so far away from experiencing an outdoor festival that the thought was preposterous. While the options this year are few and far between, there are still some outdoor events sprinkled across Canada that have been given the green light. Needless to say that the majority of major events have been postponed for the second year in a row, but the fact that outdoor festivals are happening this summer worth mentioning proves how close we are to returning to normal. Here is everything you need to know about Canadian festivals happening this summer:

The Bad

Ontario’s Bluesfest has been postponed until 2022. Event organizers we’re pushing hard to bring everything together for 2021 but the obstacles proved too great to overcome. However, since the event will be taking place next year Bluesfest was able to confirm their main headlining performance “Rage Against the Machine” for 2022.

Montreal’s 3 day music festival Osheaga has been postponed for the second year in a row. Event organizers have yet to announce a lineup for next year but are looking forward to being able to celebrate the outdoor festival’s 15th anniversary safely and in style. To learn about restaurants to visit in Montreal check out this article from HOLR. 

Method Man Performing at Bluesfest (Image Courtesy of RBC Bluesfest)

The Grassroots electronic music festival Shambala will unfortunately not be happening in 2021 and has been rescheduled for next year. Located in interior BC, border closures and an official statement from public health officer Dr.Bonnie Henry have made this festival a no-go. 

Saskatchewan’s Country Thunder music festival, Winnipeg’s Folk Festival, and PEI’s Cavendish Beach Music Festival have all unfortunately been rescheduled for next year as well.

Image Courtesy of Shambala Music Festival

The Good 

The greatest outdoor show on earth aka the Calgary Stampede is scheduled to go on this year from July 9th-18th. The outdoor event usually features a mix of live music, western events, carnival rides, and food vendors but has been modified this year to accommodate public health and safety regulations. As a result, there will be no chuckwagon races and an emphasis on outdoor events with a limited capacity. 

Located in Surrey BC, the 2-day music festival FVDED in the park is set to run from September 10-11. The hip-hop/electronic music festival has yet to release a lineup and is reminding festival-goers to entertain the possibility that the event may likely be taking place next year. More details are to be released once a decision has been made with the city of Surrey and Fraser Health.

Quebec City’s Festival d’été is offering a mix of live shows and online events starting July 1st and ending on the 25th. The paid portion of the festival will be offering a mix of live music (some being offered in webcast form) and comedy sets, while a section of the festival will be free containing photo exhibitions and more. 

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