TikTok is a place that brings people together to find moments of joy and community and is currently the fastest-growing social media app with over 2 billion downloads, and monthly user engagement rising over 70% thanks to catchy and viral videos from top TikTok influencers. 

Here are some top Tiktok Influencers to keep up with:

@CharlidaDamilo with 199M Followers:

Charli D Amelio is one of the first influencers to achieve celebrity status from TikTok sue to her impressive dances moves. Charlie and her sister have a makeup line with Morphe and a fashion line at Hollister together.


@ZachKing with 62M Followers:

Zach is known for his mind-blowing digital magic trick with his storytelling and editing skills. He currently holds the title for the most viewed TikTok (2.2 Billion views) for his Harry Potter Themed Illusion videos.


@Khaby.Lame with 104.7M  Followers:

Khaby Lame is known for his short comedy skits where he sarcastically points out people who complicate simple tasks for no reason at all without saying a word. Khaby has surpassed the 100 million followers mark, which makes him the second biggest TikTok creator following CharliD Amelio.


@JustMaiko with 50M Followers:

Micheal Le is Famous for his creative dances moves and most common influencers brands chosen to partner with TikTok branded hashtag challenge.


WellbyShania with 243k Followers:

Shiana Bhopa is a 22 years old wellness coach whose popular videos include discussions about mind, body health. Energy and manifestation.


Check out more amazing lists of TikTok creators to start following created by Mediakix.

Published on HOLR Magazine.

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