An event goes through many stages before it can be called successful. From the planning stage to the actual execution, many factors have to be taken into account. We have compiled a list of things you need to consider during each stage so your event will be successful, and maybe even enjoyable!


The setup needs to be done in a way that it can be easy to clean and manage. To make sure there is enough space for your guests, you need to create an event floor plan, allowing enough room for people to move around comfortably and enjoy the event. You also have to have enough chairs which can be tricky because you might not have 100 chairs laying around and you can’t buy them. So, if you’re creating an event with a gold theme, it’s a great idea to get Gold Chanel Chair hire in Sydney to make sure that all of your guests have their seats. On top of this, you might also want to consider renting tables, depending on the type of event.


You should also think about how much parking will be available at the venue and if there is handicap access. If you’re having an event at your house, then that is not an issue. However, if you’re planning on renting out a venue, you need to think about how your guests will be able to get there and if parking spots are available. Also, if any of your guests have special needs or disabilities, make sure the venue is accessible for them.

Guest List

You should never plan a party that’s going to be in a public place if you don’t know how many guests are coming. If too many people come and you can’t accommodate them, it might become chaotic and the event will not be enjoyable. On top of this, when you create an invitation list, make sure everyone knows what to wear because it’s always awkward when someone is underdressed or overdressed at an event. You also have to think about if there will be enough food and drinks for your guests, which leads us to our next point…

Food & Drinks

Your food selection needs to fit the theme of the party just like your dress code does so keep that in mind when creating your menu. Also, make sure to order food that will be finished by the end of the event and to bring it out as the party goes on so people don’t get too hungry or bored while you’re setting up. With drinks, consider if there is enough to accommodate every person that will be at the party because everyone loves good alcohol.


If you want a themed event, you need to decorate accordingly and not leave it for the last second. When creating decorations and decor inspiration boards, keep in mind colors and patterns because those will determine what kind of decorations you can buy or create yourself. You can even take inspiration from your dress code to create fun centerpieces! For example: if you’re having a gold theme party with your dress code, you can create fun gold centerpieces.

Attire & Identity

Your event will only be successful if everyone is comfortable at the party so it might be a good idea to tell people what kind of attire they need to wear. If you’re hosting an elegant evening party, make sure not everyone shows up in denim because then the event will not have that “je ne sais quoi” that it should. There are certain events where professional or business casual is appropriate but having fun and getting dressed up is more of the general vibe of these types of parties, which leads us to…

Style & Attitude

Your event needs to have a good vibe! Even though there are several stages of planning for your event, it all comes down to your attitude. If you are stressed or frantic about the event, then that will reflect on the party and no one will have fun. When creating invitations, make sure you save room for RSVPs so you can get an idea of how many people are coming to the event. It’s sad when the host is worried about not having enough food because several people did not show up.

There’s no reason your event shouldn’t be one of the greatest events of the decade. If you follow this helpful checklist of events that need to be considered for a successful party, your event will go off without a hitch. Follow these simple steps and enjoy yourself!

Published on Holr Magazine

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