Minimalism for the holiday does not necessarily translate to no decor at all but it means having less quality decor by maintaining a sense of simplicity and modernism.

 A lot of these minimalist art holiday decor ideas are so easy, you can do them in a flash. How are you decorating your home this year for the holidays? Here are some minimalist ideas to try out:

Wit and Delight

Geometric Ornaments:

These are a simple yet beautiful way to add a little holiday cheer to any wall.

Wit and Delight

Hanging Cut-Paper Garland:

This is a fun and festive way to decorate your mantle that probably hasn’t been seen before.

The Spruce

Create A Natural Centerpiece:

Wreath, meet table. Buy a small wreath (live or artificial), lay it on its side, and put your candles in the middle. With this,  you have gotten yourself an elegant holiday centrepiece.

Tie Up Packages with String:

Once you have got the minimalist Christmas tree down, it is time to focus on what goes underneath. This simple paper wrapping just needs twine and a bit of greenery to make it almost too pretty to open. Step it up a level by adding in an origami star and dried orange slice. 

Wit and Delight

Tree Sprigs In A Stunning Vase:

Adding tree sprigs to any vase that you love is sure to brighten up your space. Place these throughout your house in spots that need a little winter whimsy.

Published on HOLR Magazine.


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