All about the founder behind Damn Gina and how the brand is revolutionizing the haircare industry.

damn gina

Meet Sumana Jayanth, founder of Damn Gina. Damn Gina (est. 2019) is on a mission to upgrade the sleeping experience for textured hair. This is because the brand’s products gently cocoon kinks, coils, and curls thanks to Sumana’s development of the highest quality silk turbans, pillowcases, scrunchies, and other protective hair accessories.

Made using 100% mulberry silk, Damn Gina cancels bad hair days and cotton-based products through its naturally thermo-regulating, anti-static, and eco-friendly accessories to minimize tangles, frizz, and dry hair.

Today, HOLR is chatting with Sumana to learn all about how she started the brand, plus how it’s imspiring people to embrace their curls, coils and waves.

damn gina pillow case

Tell us about yourself, your background, and how you founded your brand, “Damn Gina.”

I grew up in the Southern part of India and haircare has been an integral part of my upbringing. It was almost ritualistic, bonding time with my mother who oiled, massaged, and brushed my hair every day. As a teenager, I moved from my small town to a bigger city where I was convinced that straight hair was better and I stopped taking care of my long, curly hair. Most of the media I consumed showed straight hair as something you need to have in order to feel beautiful. It was only once I turned 30 that I began to embrace my natural curls that began my quest of maintaining my newfound curls. I stumbled upon the idea of using silk accessories as part of my hair care routine. After trying and testing the products in my new home, Australia, I figured there was a massive gap for curly hair accessories and started developing samples for hair wraps that were high quality, cute, colorful, and functional. That was the start of Damn Gina!

damn gina

Where did the inspiration behind Damn Gina come from?

The inspiration for Damn Gina came from my own struggles with naturally curly hair. From at one point hating my hair, to learning to embrace it, it’s been a journey. I was not ready to give up so easily just because I couldn’t find the right products to preserve my curls! Hair accessories are still a sleepy sector and I wanted to build a brand that is fun, sassy, friendly, and speaks to a younger audience as more and more generations are learning how to embrace their natural hair.

damn gina

How is Damn Gina revolutionizing the hair industry by inspiring individuals to embrace their beautiful curls, coils, and waves?

It is a well-known fact that textured hair needs some extra love and care. We want to help women embrace their beautiful textured hair with ease. Damn Gina products help minimize refresh time in the mornings and also help minimize breakage, knots, and frizz. We celebrate the beauty of all curls, kinks, and coils and aim to educate people about the importance of showing your hair the love and care it deserves. It’s more than just aesthetics, it’s about learning to love your natural beauty from the inside out.

damn gina

What are some of the top products we can shop from the brand?

Our silk hair turbans are our best-selling products and rightfully so! Our turban design is unique with its organic cotton outer shell and an inner lining of made with 100% mulberry silk to protect and nurture your curls while you sleep. Our turbans come in two sizes and an assortment of colors to fit everyone’s personal style. With scrunchies being a trending accessory these past few years, our silk scrunchies are also another one of our top products! Our sleek and strong scrunchies come in two sizes to fit the needs and density of your curls. Made with 100% pure 27 momme silk fabric, our scrunchies effortlessly prevent breakage, snapping, and damage to the hair.

damn gina

 What are your future goals for the brand?

We want Damn Gina to be the go-to brand of accessories for women with curls, coils, and kinky hair. With our recent U.S. expansion, we hope to continue bringing awareness to the curly hair movement with a 360-degree approach to textured hair care. Our aim is to continue adding new and innovative accessories that promote hair health. As the founder of Damn Gina, I hope to speak to women who want to take charge of their time and make the hair care experience one that is both fun and rewarding.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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