Meet Ally Petitti. Ally’s inspiration to start her podcast came to be after experiencing multiple mental and physical health struggles in her life and strongly feeling the need to create social awareness on real-life, meaningful issues and topics.

ally petitti

Image Credit: Lindsey Ruth

Ally Petitti  is just “Trying to Figure it Out.”

The mental health advocate is using her platform to be a strong voice for people all over the world with her new podcast “Trying to Figure it Out.”

Today, HOLR chats with Ally about her open book policy when it comes to mental health and how she is helping people all over the world by providing help and support for her guests and devoted listeners. Keep reading to learn more about Ally’s mental health journey, her new podcast-and blossoming career!- and her passion for philanthropy.

ally petitti

Image Credit: Lindsey Ruth

How do you hope to serve as a positive voice when it comes to creating change in the stigma around mental health?

A big thing for me growing up in my household was that everyone in my family knew I wsa sturggling with anxiety and mental health. My mom was always so suportive and always wanted to talk about it- almost too much to an extent. My dad didn’t know how to express his understanding of it so it was like two polar-oppsite experiences.

I ended up holding a lot of it inside and not being able to process it- that was just my personal journey and I know it’s different for everyone else. There is such a stigma around mental health and talking about it publically because people are very private about struggling or taking medication. There are so many labels that can come with mental health and so many diseases people sturggle with.

With my podcast and with what I’m trying to do is that I want to talk about things in a way that people can relate to and not label themselves. I want people to explore and treat things within themselves and make sure they know they’re not alone and that I can talk about things they can relate to. I want to encourage people to talk about their journeys.

ally petitti

Image Credit: Lindsey Ruth

As a mental health advocate, can you talk to us about your podcast, “Trying to Figure It Out”?

Trying to Figure it Out is my podcast. I am not a therapist or expert, nor do I have my mental health figured out but I started this podcast to mainly talk about mental health and the standpoint of how everyday is a different jounrey- everyday I’m learning. I want to create a space where we can talk about the highs and lows of life, everyday.

I really wanted to create a platform to talk about these things and get deep- and not be afrid to do that. I do it solo but I also have guests who come on, and they end up opening up so much with me, which is so special and meaningful. The podcast is really a place to navigate life- the good and the bad. We can talk to eachother about we want to figure out together.

What type of content can listeners expect to hear when tuning in?

There is a whole range! For instance, there’s a main focus on mental health but with that being said I’ve also talked about; divorce, body positivty, the anxiety of living in a split household, toxic friendships, and more. I have fun episodes that celebrate life, I’ve also done a pride episode- I really talk about all social issues we experience that’s combined into one space.

It all reverts back to mental health.

ally petitti

Image Credit: Lindsey Ruth

Can you talk to us about some of the special guests you’ve had on the podcast?

Hayley Jacobson was one of them and we ended up making it a two-part episode because the interview went on for like 3 hours. With her, we just kept going and had such a special bond. I created this podcast as a safe space for others to talk and she actually made it a safe space for me. So much came out in those episodes. IT was the most exhilarating interview- it was super empowering.

I also had Jordyn Jones on, who is a good friend of mine. She was my first guest and when I interviewed her I was actually so nervous! She also has a podcast and has been doing this for years. However, the minute we started it was just like talking to my friend. She opened up about losing her dad, living in L.A. and not drinking- it’s an interesting perspective to learn more about people you already know.

Another guest I had was Brooklyn Webb who has been popping off on TikTok and Instagram. She’s so special and so intelligent and well-spoken. She stands for so many things I stand for. Her advice, positivity, and confidence in herself is something everyone should take something away from.

ally petitti

Image Credit: Lindsey Ruth

You also have some philanthropic interest- can you speak to us more about the initiatives you support?

Growing up (in New York) I started a club at my school called The Breakfast Run. We would go in one Sunday every month and stay there for 4 hours or so to serve food to the homeless in NYC. Giving back to the homeless is definitely something I’m passionate about- it’s so painful to me to see people struggling. That’s something I try to continuously be involved in now that I’m in L.A. (in different ways).
I’m also part of the Child Mind Institute _ I see a therapist there and I’ve done a lot of philanthropy through them. I go to a lot of their events and have donated money to them as well. I’m super involved with that, I’ve also done some golf charity events with them.
In general, I also used to volunteer at a children’s hospital in New York. Since I’ve moved to L.A.  I’m trying to find my niche of the things I used to do in New York so I can figure out how I can do similar things in L.A. It’s super special to give back. I prefer to do things for other people.

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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