HOLR is chatting with Kelsey Caesar about his journey in the film industry and what he has coming down the pipeline! 

kelsey caesar

Image Credit: Ben Cope

Today, HOLR is chatting with former US Olympic hopeful, Kelsey Caesar, ahead of his September 30th theatrical release of the highly anticipated horror film, “B**** A**.”This film features an all-Black cast and took home the Midnighter’s Audience Award following its premiere at this year’s SXSW Festival.

The talented star is taking the industry by storm with new projects coming out sooner than you think! Keep reading to learn how Kelsey got started in film and what’s next for him!

Talk to us about your journey in the film industry and how you got started.

I’ve always had a love for Television and Film. While I was training to compete in the USA Olympics Trials, to make the team, I booked the film: SLAMMA JAMMA.  Shooting the film, took about 6 weeks out of my training schedule. Considering how competitive the USA Olympic trials are, there was no way I’d be ready to catch up, in order to compete on an Olympic level, and make the team…so I retired my spikes and went the
creative route. I’ve never looked back!
kelsey caesar

Image Credit: Ben Cope

Your highly anticipated all-Black cast slasher film, “B**** A**” premiered at the 2022 SXSW Film Festival- and won the Midnighter’s Audience Award—in which it will have its theatrical release next month on September 30th. Tell us about the film and what we can expect when watching.

BA is a truly fun film to watch,  especially if you’re a fan of the Slasher/horror genre! The legendary Tony Todd is in the film.  Having Tony on board truly brings back the nostalgia of horror from the 1990s. Expect to watch the film, from the vantage point, as if you’re in the film, playing a board game. The movie weaves fun elements of the board games, incorporated throughout. You are definitely kept you on your toes, constantly wondering what will happen next!

Walk us through your experience working on other projects with notable networks such as MTV and Disney.

MTV was fun, especially in the late 2000s. I did a crazy popular dating show PARENTAL CONTROL, where the parents try to get rid of their kids’ Ex/boyfriend or Girlfriend. I actually won my episode!  I was the new boyfriend, that one of the parents picked for their daughter. The funny thing that happened in my episode, was when the boyfriend was another fellow actor, Andre Hall, who plays a lot of Tyler Perry productions. Sorry, Andre, I took your girl! My experience working with Disney was great! I got to work with David Katzenburg on the JUST BEYOND Series which was a blast! From the author R.L Stines, of the GOOSEBUMPS book series, this show has the very same feel of the kid’s classic. We shot in Atlanta, so you know the food was amazing!
kelsey caesar

Image Credit: Ben Cope

When it comes to philanthropy, how are you hoping to get involved with more charities that deal with global warming and its environmental impact?

I currently was fortunate enough to give up using a fossil fuel car. I now drive an electric vehicle. I think it was not only a good move not only on my finances but also due to being a part of the next step forward, combating climate change. Whenever I’m charging, people ask me: “Is it really worth it?” My response is: Of course… saving money while helping the environment is a win-win situation! I’m also currently looking to volunteer with an oceanic conservation group. Our oceans need a great deal of help with their clean-up.  Additionally, I also want to share my love of the environment firsthand with inner city youth, who may not really understand the impact of climate change and the environment.

What’s next for you in your career?

Acting roles and challenging myself more…constantly continuing to learn from others. You can never know everything, but you can try. I have another horror film coming out, called Devilreaux, as well as a role on the Season finale of WU TANG AMERICAN SAGA! Stay tuned!

Published by HOLR Magazine.

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