BERHS’s new colour Canyon Dusk offers a warm nature-inspired colour that gives a feeling of stability and security in a stylish manner. Find out how to rock this complex colour that has a look for every season.

Canyon Dusk by BERHS is the colour of the year for its ability to be worn for more than just style. Canyon Dusk is a lighter shade of brown with a hearty feel with terracotta elements giving the colour a raw, grounded feeling. However, it also offers a more elegant nature with a sophisticated touch filled with a rich and luxurious undertone. With a wide array of complementary colours, Canyon Dusk offers a variety of traditional and modern styling choices. Learn how this new trending colour can fit perfectly into your wardrobe.

Pastel – Summer

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Emanating a calm and collected aura, Canyon Dusk works wonders with pastel colours where the mix of light yet muted combination causes your outfit to draw attention without standing out. With it being summer, matching the look with pastels will create a brilliant pairing for the season. A subtle yet powerful combination that points out to everyone in the room that you are approachable, down to earth, yet sophisticated with a rich personality. 

Brown & Black – Fall


Mixing these neutrals brings the elegance of black back into the fray creating an even richer aesthetic. The mixing of the two neutral elements allows for each ‘base’ colour to stand out in a bold polished way giving the markings of the stylish cosmopolitan attire. With a dusky black or Broadway black colour matching, your outfit will perfectly match a Fall setting. This combination works best in an urban setting where it will effortlessly show its sophisticated civilized nature.

Jewel Tones – Spring

On the other end of the spectrum, matching Canyon Dusk with jewel tones will bring out a far more relaxed, welcoming feel which embraces the warm grounded side of Canyon Dusk. The darker jewel tones imbue the warm feel with a cool mysterious glow, making this the perfect combination for more casual appearances while retaining the rich complexity to match the refined nature of this exquisite spring combination.

Smokey White – Winter

Matching a Smokey White to Canyon Dusk will result with a divine winter attire. This cozy look emphasizes the warming sunlight nature of Canyon Dusk, embellishing the pleasing security that characterizes the colour. While the Smokey White envelopes the piece calming the Canyon Dusk’s glow with a sophisticated blanket that embodies a playful aura.

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