Find out what to bring to your next drive-in theatre experience, a popular covid-safe activity to experience the cinema amidst a pandemic. Great for friends, family and date nights!

Favourite Foods & Drinks + Cash

Easily the best part about drive-in theatres is the option for bringing your own food and drinks at all reasonable prices too! Now you can avoid buying the ridiculously overpriced cinema snacks and enjoy some quality meals whether from home, or a drive-through you pass by along the way! Nothing beats dinner and a show, just remember to bring cash for food and drinks as well as a commission to see the movie (not all places accept card, better safe than sorry).


This next item is often a must and depending on your preferred method can drastically enhance the overall experience. Most drive-in theatres used to play their audio over a field of speakers, but many current ones require you to play your own audio of the movie which is played over a certain radio channel. You can bring an old radio and tune in, or download a radio app on your smartphone and tune in from there. From here you can bring some amazing headphones and customize the settings to really make the most of your night. By bringing your own equipment, you get to enjoy the fun social event of being outdoors while enjoying the customization you get from being at home!

Insect Repellent

Often one of the most forgotten items to pack at all, insect repellent is an incredibly useful item that you do not want to be without. Most movies will take place during peak mosquito hours, and since you will likely be outside with lights and food, you will likely attract the attention of mosquitos. Best to wear mosquito stickers and spray repellent to avoid being eaten alive and ruining a good night out.

Blanket + Pillows

The next best thing to drive-in theatres is your selection of comfort. Just like in your own home, you can bring out the pillows and blankets of your choosing. It’s best to bring a nice chair or design for you to sit back and relax while you enjoy a meal of your choice and your favourite beverage!

Garbage Bin/Bag 

Over the course of the night, you will likely accumulate garbage. Instead of interrupting your movie night with a rather long walk to the nearest garbage bin or taking the garbage with you home, simply bring a bag or bin yourself that you and those accompanying you can use to make your life easier. It’s a fairly easy thing to bring and saves you a lot of time and effort!

Warm clothes

Last on our list is warm clothes, depending on when and where you go, it won’t be something you need, but it’s great to pack just in case you find yourself needing that extra warmth. The long sleeves and pants will also help protect against mosquitos.

Click here to read about what to bring on a camping trip!

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