On Friday, CBS announced that Sharon Osbourne, one of the last original hosts of ‘The Talk’ has left. This news comes after two weeks of intense investigating of the show and Sharon, as the March 10th episode raised controversy between the cast members and even the audience.
On March 10, the members of the cast discussed Piers Morgan, who days before was on his talk show and commented on the Oprah Interview with Megan Markle and Prince Harry. Morgan spoke about Megan revealing that she was suicidal during her time as a royal, and with that Morgan stated he did not believe it. As the conversation continued Morgan faced backlash and eventually resigned from his show.
As Morgan and Sharon were longtime friends, Sharon shared her thoughts on the matter and although she “did not agree with everything he said” she still stood up for her ‘long time friend’ and got backlash for it. During the taping of the show Sharon and co-star Sheryl Underwood disputed the situation among themselves and as Sharon pushed back she asked her friend Sheryl to ‘educate’ her on how Morgan was being racist.
As the show continued the matters only became more heated which caused the cast and audience members at home to feel very uncomfortable. With this, Sharon put out a statement on social media explaining that in the moment she became very defensive and is truly sorry, as she let her fear of being labeled racist to take over.
As the time has elapsed the show and the network went through an investigation and claimed that Sharon’s comments did not coincide with the views of the show and were not planned by the producers. Furthermore, it is now known that Sharon Osbourne has left ‘the Talk’ and has yet to make a statement about her departure.