Suri Cruise is turning 17 next month and her parents are fighting for custody of her! HOLR breaks down what Tom Cruise’s part is in the custody battle and whether he and his wife are equally involved in Suri’s life.

Tom Cruise vs Katie Holmes’ Relationship with Suri

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes announced their divorce in June 2012. At that time, their daughter Suri was only five-year-old. According to Daily Mail UK, the now 16-year-old girl has been estranged from her father since 2013.

Suri, who was born in 2006, is at the right age to begin applying to colleges and reportedly wants to study fashion in New York at Fordham University. Mom Katie Holmes has been helping with the college application, but supposedly Tom Cruise did not have any part in offering help.

Suri Cruise as a baby with her parents

Image credit: REUTERS/Mike Segar

Tom Cruise allegedly ‘has no part’ in Suri’s life other than agreeing to pay forty thousand US dollars to Holmes until Suri turned 18. The divorce agreement reportedly also made Cruise responsible for Suri’s other expenses, including “medical, dental, insurance, and extracurricular costs.”

Tom Cruise and ex-wife

Image credit: REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

Why Did Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Split?

It is widely believed that Cruise’s absence from Suri’s life was connected to Holmes’ refusal to join The Church of Scientology. The mother was worried about what Suri’s future would be like if she grew up in the religion Cruise is strongly devoted to. There are rumors that members of the Scientology faith are not allowed to associate with non-believers, which if true means Tom Cruise is forbidden from interacting with his ex-wife and Suri.

Suri has not seen the Mission Impossible and Top Gun: Maverick star in ten years. A source claimed that the teenager “does not know her father anymore and has not seen him in a decade.”

Image credit: REUTERS/Danny Moloshok

Katie Holmes’ split from Tom Cruise was a result of her believing that she and the actor have “irreconcilable differences.” Furthermore, Holmes divorcing Cruise and moving away from Los Angeles might have made it easier for her to gain sole custody over Suri as NY courts famously did not usually grant joint custody for fighting parents due to concerns about the child’s well-being.

Jonathan Wolfe, Katie Holmes’ lawyer, said that the actress has always had Suri’s best interest at heart. Meanwhile, back in 2013, Tom Cruise told lawyers that “When there is a divorce things change. It is not an ideal scene. It is not an ideal situation.”

Published by HOLR Magazine

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