Around the world, people are practicing tantra to get rid of negative energies and gain success. However, not many people are still familiar with this spiritual discipline. It is not simple to define and explain tantra to others. It is a complex concept, and there are various ways to practice it. One common thing among these different versions of tantra though is the fact that they require concentration and focus, as well as some trials and errors before you can achieve the desired results. 

In this article, we will explain the different aspects of tantra and how they can benefit us.

What Is Tantra?

Tantra is a way of life as well as a science for increasing the ability to experience spiritual power. It was first practiced by Hindu and Buddhist sages around 500 BC. Tantra has been divided into two major parts: “Left Hand Tantra” and “Right Hand Tantra”. The goal of both these types of tantras is the same but only the approach differs and that’s what makes them distinctive from each other.

Tantra derives its name from “tan” which means expansion or growth and “tra” or “trayate”, which means to liberate or release. This simply implies that life without tantra is like living in chains while knowing the true potential of your existence can help you develop spiritually and attain liberation. As written in the best tantra books, Tantra mainly consists of techniques that allow us to explore our spiritual powers and gain full awareness of our surroundings. It aims at balancing the various elements surrounding us and making the best use of them to gain knowledge and wisdom.

What Are The Different Types Of Tantra?

There are two major types of tantra: Left Hand ( Vamachara) and Right Hand (Dakshinachara).

Vamachara is mainly concerned with focusing on the individual. It makes the best use of various physical positions for meditation purposes. For best chakra meditation practices, you must follow Samachar or the left-hand path. However, it should be noted that such practices come under the list of “forbidden deeds” according to Hinduism. This implies that these practices will not help an individual achieve spiritual liberation but can lead to further bondage and suffering if done without proper guidance and consent from a guru or master. 

On the other hand, Dakshinachara, also known as right-hand tantra, makes the best use of mantras and yantras for maximum benefits. Right-hand tantra is mainly concerned with the universal aspect. In this type of tantra, the best types of meditation practices are followed to gain knowledge and awareness about oneself and one’s surroundings.

How Does Tantra Work?

In general, tantra can be best described as a holistic way of life that involves making the best use of the five elements present around us – Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Sky  – in order to gain maximum benefits for our spiritual development. In Vamachara, the best types of chakra meditation are practiced including Kundalini yoga which is aimed at bestowing complete awareness on Kundalini Shakti (energy within). Diverse positions like Vajrasana or Thunderbolt pose help in awakening kundalini shakti. Additionally, the best types of mantras are chanted around the area to focus on the best chakra meditation practices.

How Does Tantra Differ From Yoga?

Yoga simply focuses on techniques that enable an individual to achieve peace and tranquility but it lacks the element of energy management. As compared to that, tantra bestows awareness of the various elements that surround us. Moreover, it takes care of our mental and physical health by offering knowledge about ancient techniques like khechari mudra (the best type of meditation) which helps increase memory power and gives energy to our body’s chakras.

What Are The Benefits Of Mantra Meditation?

Tantric meditation not only helps individuals focus better on their spiritual development but also makes them aware of the surroundings and bestows knowledge about ancient secrets of life. There are various types of chakra meditations that help awaken kundalini shakti which in turn enhance an individual’s memory power, concentration power, awareness, etc. In fact, it is one of those types of yoga where you can achieve benefits from both physical as well as psychological perspectives. 

Physical benefits include a healthy immune system, long life, and overall growth for the body and mind. Psychological benefits include gaining complete control over your thoughts and actions, increasing peace/balance between the five elements present around us, etc.

a woman meditation with sound bowls for tantra

To completely understand and learn about tantra and its various meditational practices, you must follow a guru or master who will guide you in your spiritual journey. It is very important to know that these tantra meditation practice techniques should only be undertaken after proper guidance for the best results. Hopefully, this article will help you understand the basic concepts of tantra and its various other types so that you can choose for yourself if that is something you wish to pursue or not.

Published on Holr Magazine

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