DIY is always going to have a place in fashion, whether it’s as part of a more indie and underground scene, or if it’s particularly trendy at a given moment to DIY your clothes, you’re always going to look cool in something that’s got your personal touch. It’s one of a kind, and adds a creative flair and sort of unique mystique to the item and the look that shows people your individualistic side.

Image courtesy of Karen Or via mycrafts
DIYing clothes for fashion has also grown steadily in popularity over the years, ebbing and flowing as tastes have changed, but always on the incline as more and more people value individuality, self expression, and uniqueness in their clothes. So let’s take a look at some of the most trendy DIY looks we’re seeing this year.
Cold Shoulder tops

Image courtesy of Sky Not Fancy
Here’s a cool new trend for your hot girl summer, and it’s super easy too! If you’ve got an old long sleeve shirt taking up space in your closet, spruce it up a bit by cutting a half circle shape off the shoulders to expose a little skin underneath. How wide you want to go is totally up to you! You could go just a few inches from the shoulder seam or right up to the base of the collar for a fun and flirty look. This technique can work for t-shirts as well as button downs or blouses (and looks great cropped, while you’ve got your scissors out!).
Cropped Sweat suit

Image courtesy of Miaira Jennings on Instructables
Speaking of cropping, a cropped pullover is a classic look that’s a streetwear essential in 2021. When you do this look yourself, you can do it on the cheap too! With the creative use of some scissors and a little fabric adhesive, you can take any slouchy sweatshirt and sweatpants combo and make it fashion. This look is versatile as it works with slim or baggy fitting pieces, crewnecks and hoodies, and any colour you can get your hands on (crop tops are also in for masculine folks right now, so this one’s for the boys too!). Crop as high or low as you wish depending on the fit of the pieces and your personal taste, and you can either leave the sleeves short or cut to your desired length. The same goes for the pants, if you’re happy with the fit and look of the sweatpants, leave them! Otherwise, get ready to rock some light and trendy sweat shorts. No matter how you do it you’ll look fab!
Stamped Jeans

Image courtesy of PopSugar
This look is only limited by your creativity! People have been finding lots of different ways to paint, print, and stamp their jeans over the past few years, so there’s plenty of inspo online you can find to make your denim your canvas. One of our favourite ways we’ve been seeing on TikTok is to stamp one entire leg of your jeans with an all-over print pattern of your choice. Print a shape or design you like and trace it into some foam with a pen knife. Attach the foam to a small, hand-sized block of wood to make a stamp, then coat the foam with fabric paint and get to work!